
Super Teacher Tools: Flash Classroom Jeopardy

One of my closest mentor teachers always said that we learn best when we are playing. I have found that Jeopardy is a favorite game for review and skill practice. In English Language Development (ELD) class I generally use this game to review vocabulary and grammatical forms. It works best when I have table groups or partners on individual teams. Asking students to discuss and evaluate their answers with a teammate increases the level of thinking.

I've found that using a class set of personal whiteboards for students to jot their answers lowers their affective filter because they can easily make adjustments to their responses. I ask them to show their whiteboards after each answer. Not only is this game a great way to reteach and reinforce material it is a great tool for formative assessment. 

Click here to access download link and game creation instructions for Super Teacher Tools Flash Jeopardy Game Maker. 

Additionally, Super Teacher Tools makes other flash Smartboard games you may want to try out.

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